Saturday, April 01, 2006

The truth can "sting" a little, eh?

Straight shooter Barbara Corcoran - - founder and former Chairwoman of The Corcoran Group, which she sold to NRT, a division of Cendant in 2001, regularly appears on ABC, NBC, CNN and other national programs offering advice on Real Estate. Most recently, Barbara appeared on a segment called "What Your Broker Might Not Tell You" on ABC's Good Morning America on Friday, March 24, 2006.
see transcript at

Her frankness has ruffled some feathers, including those of the National Association of Realtors who fired off a rebuttal. Fact is current Agency Law is so outdated and convoluted (at least in NY), that many clients, customers and even some agents don't understand it. There have been times during negotiations that I have found myself reminding the other agent where our "fiduciary responsibility" belongs. Perhaps it's time for more agents to become certified as "Buyers Brokers" in this market.

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