Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It Has Been Said...

...that everyone becomes an "environmentalist" after they purchase their home.

The trend, nationwide and here in the Hamptons, has been toward significantly larger homes. Land is becoming scarce as a result of demand for new homes and preservation efforts. It also is becoming more expensive. Spec builders can't make desired profit margins from a small house on an expensive lot, so that effect drives the size and prices of homes as well, resulting in some subdivisions that are starting to look suburban.md

"Although opponents of sprawl believe they are making rational and disinterested diagnoses...the self-interest is clear in the case of the New Yorker who owns a weekend home in the Hamptons and rails against the continuing development of Long Island...families who have recently moved to the suburban periphery are often the most vociferous opponents of further development of exactly the same kind that created their own house, because that would destroy their views or reduce their access to the countryside..."

The link below is to a fairly in-depth essay on sprawl by Architectural Historian Robert Breugmann.
The American Enterprise: How Sprawl Got a Bad Name

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